Is Unintentional Cash Flow Decisions Stopping you From Living your Best Life?

Derek Notman |


Financial progress is a journey that requires careful planning, smart decisions, and a keen understanding of your financial landscape. A cornerstone aspect of this journey, whether you are an individual or a business, is managing your cash flow effectively. Cash flow problems can significantly hinder your financial progress, preventing you from reaching your goals and aspirations. In this blog post, we'll dive into the importance of identifying cash flow problems and provide you with actionable steps to uncover and address them.

Do you have Holes in your Financial Ship?

Cash flow, simply put, is the movement of money in and out of your accounts. It's the lifeblood of your financial endeavors, influencing your ability to pay bills, save, invest, and pursue your dreams. I like to use the analogy of a financial plan being a boat that is taking you to the destination of your dreams. And the lack of cash flow organization and optimization is the equivalent of holes in that boat. So, instead of spending your time, energy and money sailing ahead at an efficient rate, you are left scooping the water out of your boat. By intentionally fixing these inefficiencies, you are intentionally spending your time on the right things instead of simply getting by or picking up the pieces. 

Common Cash Flow Problems

  1. Excessive Spending: Overspending on non-essential items is a common culprit of cash flow problems. Regularly tracking your expenses and creating a budget can help identify areas where you can cut back. Keeping an eye on how your various spending habits align or don’t align with your vision and goals can be a great way to “cut the fat”.
  2. Insufficient Emergency Fund: Without an adequate emergency fund, unexpected expenses can lead to financial strain, potentially causing you to rely on credit and disrupting your cash flow.
  3. Debt Overload: High-interest debts can eat into your income and restrict your ability to allocate funds to savings and investments.
  4. Inadequate Income: If your income is consistently lower than your expenses, it's essential to explore opportunities for career growth, side hustles, or alternative income streams.
  5. Unmonitored Subscriptions: Subscriptions and memberships you no longer use can silently drain your finances. Regularly review your subscriptions and cancel those that don't provide value.

Steps to Uncover Cash Flow Problems

Track Every Expense: Keep a detailed record of every expense for a month. Categorize them into essential and non-essential categories. This exercise will provide insight into spending patterns and areas where adjustments can be made. Although it may sound arduous, the process really only needs to take about 10-15 minutes per month.

Analyze Your Debt: List all your debts, including interest rates and monthly payments. Take this one step further and figure out how much interest you are being charged monthly for each debt, then aggregate these. This number alone may incentivize you to make immediate change. 

Find your Spending Dials: Spending dials are simply where you spend your money. These dials may change over time, but the key is to track them properly and create guardrails around them to stay on track. With the proper planning, you can be spending more money on the right things and less money on the wrong things. 

Build an Emergency Fund: Aim to save three to six months' worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account. This safety net will protect your cash flow from unexpected events.

Review Your Income: If your current income is insufficient to cover your expenses and financial goals, consider strategies to increase your earning potential, such as upskilling, negotiating a raise, or pursuing new opportunities.

Audit Subscriptions and Services: Go through your bank statements to identify recurring payments. Similar to your debts, just write out all of these and aggregate them to show how much is being spent here. Cancel or renegotiate subscriptions you no longer need, shop out your insurance

Seeking Professional Guidance

If you're struggling to identify and address cash flow problems, consider seeking advice. The team at IWP has tools and resources to just that for you. We typically start with a comprehensive look at your cash flow to determine what issues could be creating problems.


Understanding and managing your cash flow is a crucial step toward achieving your financial goals. By recognizing and addressing cash flow problems, you can free up resources for savings, investments, and pursuing your dreams. Through careful tracking, analysis, and budgeting, you can take control of your financial journey and unlock the door to long-term progress. Remember, your financial progress is within your control, and with the right strategies, you can overcome cash flow challenges and build a brighter financial future.

Over the next few weeks, we will be continuing the topic of cash flow into how to properly track and optimize it for a more effective and intentional financial picture.

As always, please let us know if you need specific guidance!